Mysterious Melchizedek

Excerpt from 52 Weeks of Pursuit, Vol. 1


Ever wonder about that rather mysterious character by the name of “Melchizedek” in Genesis 14?

Genesis 14 illustrates that the Spirit-filled life is a life that is blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ, as Melchizedek blesses faithful Abram. Note that Melchizedek, whose name means ‘Righteous King,’ is the King of Salem (Hebrew, ‘shalom’ or peace) and is a priest of the most high God. Note, also, that this mysterious king-priest of Jerusalem, who is given no human biographical or genealogical background, blesses Abram and receives tithes from him. 

Sound familiar? Melchizedek is, obviously, a picture and type of our Lord Jesus Christ. Like Melchizedek, the Lord Jesus Christ, our Righteous King, is not of human descent. He is the Prince of Peace, the God and Lord of peace, and will soon take up His throne in Jerusalem to rule as King over all the world. He blesses those who are surrendered to Him, and He alone is worthy of tithes of all that we possess.