Proverbs 22:6

Biblical Tidbit


God’s impeccable wisdom regarding child-training from Proverbs 22:6.

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Notice, the verse doesn’t say, “Take your kids to church, and they’ll follow Jesus all of their lives.” No, the verse actually emphasizes a parents ability to recognize the uniqueness of each of their children (“the way HE should go”), so we’ll be able to administer our training accordingly. 

In other words, parenting is not a cookie-cutter operation! What works for one of our kids—is not a guarantee that it’ll work for all of them. Because every child is different, God has a different “way” each of them should be parented. As parents, we must so understand the truth and wisdom of the word of God—that we are able, not only to DIRECT them TOWARD that “way”—but to TRAIN them IN it. This is God’s “simple” (not necessarily “easy”!) instruction to parents so we might see “OUR” children—become “HIS” children... and to see them be able to fulfill the unique way He desires to use them throughout their lives.

Oh, dear Lord, we desperately need You! Please give us Your wisdom in this incredible responsibility! (James 1:5)